We are starting something new at Opening Day Cards.
Introducing... Mystery History Contest!
Be the first to guess the baseball player we post and we will send you a free Mystery History card.
Let the fun begin with this young sprite!
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Johnny Damon - New York Yankees
Wow, that was fast! Travis you are the winner. One addition, Johnny Damon is now on the Detroit Tigers (they swapped Granderson and Damon).
We will send out a Free Mystery History card to you this week. Be sure to come back and let everyone know what card you received!
Thanks, I will. My friend is a Tigers fan. That's where his family is from. Thank you for everything y'all do for baseball and sport cards fans. I know I really appreciate it, and I bet everyone else does too. Thank you.
No problem, its a blast!
Wait, so it's not Troy Glaus? My guess would have been wrong, I guess. Keep up the great work guys.
It looks a little like Brett Boone too...
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